Letitia Carson PTA

We are grateful to have active, involved parents who provide hundreds of hours of volunteer time throughout the school, plan enrichment activities and support fund-raising events. Our Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is a crucial part of the school community and provides opportunities for our students to have additional experiences in the arts, wellness, and physical fitness. All parents and guardians are welcome to join our PTA!

Our Mission

The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is focused on enriching the educational experiences of our students and families. Your participation is the key to our success in helping every student at Letitia Carson reach their full potential.

As a PTA member, you help to shape our priorities for the school community with your input and vote.

What We Do

The PTA serves our school by organizing and funding many school functions and programs. We organize and fund the carnival, the Volunteer Center, craft night, the dance of the decades, and much more!

We are also able to enhance the core curriculum and add enriching community-building and learning experiences at school through Classroom Food Adventures, teacher mini-grants, and educational assemblies.

For more information, visit our website by clicking the button below.

2022-23 PTA Board

PresidentDavid Ritter
TreasurerMonica Grimes
SecretaryBrady Moss